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  • 极品老妈第七季

  • 影片状态:第17集
  • 影片主演:安娜·法瑞丝  艾莉森·珍妮  
  • 影片类型:欧美剧
  • 影片地区:美国
  • 更新时间:2020/3/7 22:12:09

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  • 极品老妈第七季-影片简介
  • After years of questionable choices, Christy is now sober and has her life mostly back on track, although she"s continually tested by her mother, Bonnie. Together, mother and daughter work to overcome their mistakes and build a better future for their family. Both are in positions they never thought they"d be in: Christy is well on her way to becoming a lawyer, while Bonnie is in a healthy romantic relationship and has just gotten married. Through it all, they rely on their support system from AA, including the wise Marjorie, the wealthy and sometimes misguided Jill, the overly emotional Wendy, and Bonnie"s foster sister, Tammy, who was recently released from prison. Collectively, they help each other stay sober in the face of whatever life throws at them.
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