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  • 寄宿公寓2

  • 影片状态:
  • 影片主演:정넘쳐  은하영  류현아  
  • 影片类型:剧情片
  • 影片地区:韩国
  • 更新时间:2020/5/23 0:30:18

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  • 寄宿公寓2-影片简介
  •  Joon-hyeok is preparing to pass the exam for 9th rank government worker. Since it is his third attempt, he must pass the exam for sure this time. He becomes to live in a boarding house, which is a part of his father’s extraordinary measures to help his son studying. But what has been waiting for Joon-hyeok in the luxurious house was not the thick text books, but the two free-spirited women. Joon-hyeok begins his cohabitation with Ah-jeong, the owner of the boarding house, who is full of voluptuous beauty, and Dal-lae, a nurse, who exudes sex appeal from both her face and body. Since then, Joon-hyeok starts to spend every night to study women not his books.
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